Original Item: Only One Available. This is an excellent hard to find USAAF WWII issue M4 A2 Flak Helmet in almost unissued condition. World War Two American bomber crews in the skies over Europe needed something more than their leather flying helmets to provide them with shrapnel injuries, however it took a surprisingly long time for a new helmet to be developed and deployed to meet that need. Not until December of 1943 did the M3 reach the ETO, it was the first of three versions of the American flak helmet. The M4 followed in June 1944, and in January 1945, the M5 was introduced.
Like the previous model, the M4 is a three-piece steel helmet comprising a skull and deep hinged ear-flaps. However, to combat issues with the cold, the M4 has the steel components wrapped in fabric. This also allows the helmet to be worn directly on the head or hood of the flight suit, so there is no separate liner. The M1-style front brim was removed, and the chin strap was now made of leather with a suede interior, like a winter flight helmet.
The interior has a clear manufacturer's label that reads:
Drawing 20-24-39
Industrial Canvas Prod. Corp.
So. Bend. Ind.
This example is offered in excellent condition and complete with leather chinstrap in solid order.
A great chance to pick up a hard to find WWII Bomber Crew helmet. Ready to add to your collection.